WELCOME to the Life-on-Life Discipleship blog. The purpose of this blog is to facilitate the multiplication of disciples who are "Modeling and Reproducing the Relationships and Habits that Help Us Become More Like Jesus." Check back each week to find helpful ideas to assist you in your own progress toward becoming more like Jesus as well as a discussion guide for your Life-on-Life Relationships. Join the journey toward personal and global transformation!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Focus for the Week of 7/21-7/27

In your LOL Relationships during the week of July 21-27, share your answers to the following questions regarding your recent experiences with the habits of (1) Time Alone with God Using the Bible and Prayer and, (2) Scripture Memory and Meditation for Character Transformation.

1. What's the essence of the best time alone with God you had this week?

2. What new insights or principles did you glean from memorizing or meditating on a passage of scripture that's strategic to the life-change you desire to experience?

3. Where are you seeing life-change as a result of exercising these habits? Where do you continue to struggle to see life-change? Decide on one step you can take this week to make progress toward the life-change you desire (examples: memorizing and meditating on a specific passage of scripture that addresses the issue; taking a specific action step each day to establish a new pattern of behavior; keeping a journal of your experiences with this issue between now and your next meeting; checking in with someone or having someone check in with you each day for accountability, etc.).

4. What seems to help you be consistent or hinder your consistent exercise of these habits? In the case of inconsistency, how can you help each other be more consistent?

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