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Saturday, August 16, 2008

Drink Deeply: from 8.10.08

My people have committed two sins: They have forsaken me, the spring of living water, and have dug their own cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold water. Jeremiah 2:13

Observations: Jeremiah begins his preaching to the people of Jerusalem by laying out the charges God has against them. Their actions can be summarized as prideful rebellion, as a self-confident ignoring of God’s past provision and protection which demonstrated His great love for the people He had chosen and set apart to be His own. It’s the classic, “I’m-smarter-than-God, I’m-my-own-god” thinking and living.

Application: My Heavenly Father is “the spring of living water.” Fresh and new, clean and pure characterize how He refreshes me day by day as we interact together. Why, then, would I ever want to dig a cistern to hold water, allowing it to become stagnate and polluted? Why would I leave an unending supply of living water and put my hopes for a quenched thirst in some stagnate holding tank that I know will crack and leak its inferior product over time? I know this: each day I make a decision which direction I will turn for life. I’ll either turn to God or from God. The one day I turn from Him sets my path away from Him and makes walking against His way that much easier and tempting tomorrow. I must awake and turn to Him anew each day.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, remind me of the foolish choice and its consequences for those who’ve gone before me. I don’t want to repeat their patterns. Cause me to drink deeply from “the spring of living water” daily, even several times a day. May my love for You today seem immature tomorrow because of the growth that comes from today’s pursuit of You.

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