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Monday, August 4, 2008

The Difference-Maker: from 7.29.08

Now bands from Aram had gone out and had taken captive a young girl from Israel, and she served Naaman's wife. She said to her mistress, "If only my master would see the prophet who is in Samaria! He would cure him of his leprosy." 2 Kings 5:2-3

Observations: “Now Naaman was commander (v.1)…Now…a young girl…served Naaman’s wife…[and] said….” The story is so often told of Naaman being cured of his leprosy, but who hears of this young girl who is the LORD’s representative; whose own personal tragedy of being taken from her family, tribe and country, made a way for God’s hand to work through her. In the midst of great people and great places, this young girl (with two strikes against her: young, girl—make that three strikes: slave) is the difference-maker. Not powerful Naaman. Not even the prophet Elisha. This young slave girl, whose name we’ll never know. Without her, this story never happens!

Application: Who are the difference-makers? I think to make a difference I need to be some hybrid of Naaman and Elisha, some super soldier/saint with power and prophetic influence. But all I really need to be is God’s representative in the settings He places me, even if at times I don’t see how He could ever be behind my circumstances. I need more of the courage, confidence and awareness of this young slave girl.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you for this example! How powerful a life is this!? Would you make me like her: courageous, confident, and aware of the opportunities around me to exalt Your power and greatness!? Keep this story ever before me. Help me to be a difference-maker and to exalt the difference-makers around me.


Anonymous said...

I was just studying this text not too long ago in preparation for the bible story in Children's Ministry when we studied humility. Despite the slave girl's captivity, she "chose" to point Naaman (and those in his sphere of influence) to the GREAT PHYSICIAN. She was willing to be God's vessel no matter what. She was not bogged down spiritually by her circumstances, which by our culture's standards, would be every reason NOT to want "good" for someone who has treated us unfairly. She was ready to share the hope that she had... What a difference that made.

I pray that I would not miss opportunities to be a difference maker in the lives of the people that God has purposefully placed in my path...that I would have a greater awareness and willingness, no matter what may be going on in my life or what has taken place in the past.

Naomi said...

What a leap of faith!! To be so confident of the Lord's working through the prophet that she is willing to risk all to make such a statement..May I also be willing to walk by faith and not by sight! For without faith it is IMPOSSIBLE to please God.