WELCOME to the Life-on-Life Discipleship blog. The purpose of this blog is to facilitate the multiplication of disciples who are "Modeling and Reproducing the Relationships and Habits that Help Us Become More Like Jesus." Check back each week to find helpful ideas to assist you in your own progress toward becoming more like Jesus as well as a discussion guide for your Life-on-Life Relationships. Join the journey toward personal and global transformation!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Run, Peter! Run!: from 8.18.08

If you have raced with men on foot and they have worn you out, how can you compete with horses? If you stumble in safe country, how will you manage in the thickets by the Jordan?
Jeremiah 12:5

Observation: Jeremiah, like so many of us, had some questions about how God was doing things. Specifically, he questioned God’s justice (12:1). How could He allow the wicked and faithless to go on prospering and living in ease? God’s answer reminds Jeremiah that the ways of God are often too high above us to fully comprehend. If he has trouble with the ordinary ways we understand God, how will he handle the higher truths about His character?

Application: Do I really want a God who can be fully explained by me? Wouldn’t that make Him too much like me? There’s some frustration, to be sure, but the farther along on the journey I go, the more I’m appreciating and worshiping the magnificence of my great God. The mystery of His ways are to be celebrated. A good spiritual exercise program will help me “keep up” with Him better, but I’ll never catch Him and for sure never pass Him. And I’m good with that.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You that Your ways are so much higher than mine; that I serve a great, great God who is beyond my comprehension, yet makes Himself known to me in ways I’m able to understand and bear. Continue to give me the energy to workout spiritually. Increase my spiritual stamina so I can keep up with You better. At least never lose sight of You.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank God that He is too Magnificent for my understanding. And the more I "workout" the bigger He gets. You know, He may even be big enough to handle some of those things I haven't trusted Him with yet...

Wouldn't it be nice to place them safely in His gigantic hand and know they will be dealt with in wonderous ways - ways that only He could manage.